Bowen’s disease treatments in Cardiff, Newport and South Wales

Bowen’s disease is a pre-cancerous lesion appearing as slow growing reddish pink patches, usually on sun-exposed skin. Bowen’s disease is pre-invasive , meaning there are cancer cells present but they are only in the outermost layer of skin.

Sometimes it can spread along the skin surface but if left untreated, Bowen’s disease can spread into the deeper layers of the skin.

The symptoms of Bowen’s disease are varied often seen as raised spots, or they may appear similar to a small patch of psoriasis or ezema. Sometimes the  affected skin area looks red and sore. The edge is poorly defined and there is a tendency for these tumours to bleed. There are a variety of treatments used for Bowen’s Disease including Photodynamic Therapy (PDT).

Research has shown that  Photodynamic Therapy Treatment (PDT) is very effective for certain skin lesions. The research has shown that Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) does not destroy healthy skin and indeed it only targets abnormal cells (e.g tumours) leaving the surrounding healthy cells unaffected. Because of this, once the tumour is removed , scars are seldom left. Another benefit of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)  for both patient and consultant is ease of use, requiring no need for an anaesthetic.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an easy to perform , non surgical procedure offering convenience to the patient to undergo treatment whenever they like.